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bersiar-siar d waktu ptg part 2..

ini adlah hannan, die yg temankan aku g jln2 ptg tu..
ktorg ber2 je sbb yg laen g kje..

smpai putus tali selipar mse jln2 tu..

ini adalah gambar2 yg berjaya di ambil ptg tu..

bersiar-siar d waktu ptg..part 1

ok, inilah aku, aku yg bwk kamera, aku yg jd model, sbb mmber aku yg sorg ni sgt xske dgn kamera..
tgk, die bg blkg je..
lg skali try pn xdpt..

nseb bek diorg ni sporting, da pnt jog pn stil leh tersenyum..=) tq korg..hihi
this is tasha, clasm8 a.k.a room8 tahun ni..

this is azhani, my clasm8..

n ni slh 1 dr gmbr yg aku amek ptg tu, gmbr len cm byk, tp mls nk upload..eheh
awan mse ptg tu, n aku mmg ske amek gmbr awan, wlaupn aku amek xcntik..=(

sahabat vs. kekasih

kat cni aku nk mention psl shbt yg len jantina dlm post ni ye. sbb klau same jantina aku rse xkn ade mslh, kcuali klau ade yg sexual orientation nye x oriented dgn normal.ahaks..

orang slalu kate laki n pompuan klau bes pren je msti cam x lojik. msti ade sesuatu di sebalik hubungan persahabatan itu. maaf ye, ayt skema. amatur mmg cmni. dlm pershbtn tu msti slh seorg akn jtuh hati antara satu sama lain. contoh yg kt bole tgk dlm filem mcm 'kuch kuch ho ta hai', 'kuliah cinta'.. tp ksh cmtu xpe r, happy ending. novel 'cemburu seorang perempuan' pn ade mengisahkan ttg 2org shbt yg akhirnya berkahwin. tu nseb bek bahgia, sbb suka sama suka. klau yg bertepuk sblh tgn cmne, slalunye mereka akn berada di dalam dilema untuk meluahkan atau tidak perasaan tu, sbb tkut ble x dtrime, hbgn shbt bole bertukar mnjd kawan atau kenalan sahaja atau mungkin paling teruk bole menjadi musuh. hilang da sorg kwn..

ade sorg kwn aku pnh ckp, 'klau bole jgn plih shbt atau member ko utk jd bf ko'.. die rmai kwn laki, n rmai gak yg mntk kapel dgn die, tp die xtrime, die mmg xske kapel dgn mmber die sndri, mungkin die rse xslesa n mungkin byk lg sbb len yg menjadikan die ade prinsip tu. aku igtkn prinsip tu hnye utk die..tapi.

sejarah da membuktikan,
 bila korg memutuskan utk kapel dgn mmber sndri, seyes mmg rse janggal. yg terAMAT sangat. siket2 rse slesa dgn die akn jd kurg. slh sorg dr korg mybe akn terlebih romantik, korg akn rse xslesa, sbb da biase dgn cre  berkwn yg dlu, n mybe gak korg rse x ready utk sume tu. msetu korg akn piker, npe la aku xtrus berKAWAN je dgn die. sbb ble korg nk mengakhiri hubungan tu, ia akan merosakkan PERSAHABATAN  yg da terjalin sblumnya..

ceewahh..sekian shaja madah berhelah dr sy..
*renung2kan dan selamat beramal~

tq GoogleImage..

need you now..~

Picture perfect memories
Scattered all around the floor
Reaching for the phone 'cause
I can't fight it anymore

And I wonder if I
Ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I've lost all control
And I need you now

And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now

Another shot of whiskey
Can't stop looking at the door
Wishing you'd come sweeping
In the way you did before

And I wonder if I
Ever cross your mind
For me it happens all the time

It's a quarter after one
I'm a little drunk
And I need you now
Said I wouldn't call
But I've lost all control
And I need you now

And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now

Whoa, whoa
Guess I'd rather hurt
Than feel nothing at all

It's a quarter after one
I'm all alone
And I need you now
And I said I wouldn't call
But I'm a little drunk
And I need you now

And I don't know how
I can do without
I just need you now
I just need you now

Oh baby, I need you now